since time immemorial, any form of lifting is considered a man's domainowever, with the enlightenment given by women's liberation and women's rights groups, it is now accepted in Western societies that women are co-equal with men in almost all aspects-- several extreme women's groups supporters would even say that with childbirth and childrearing, the female gender is even more superiorut if There is any area in the fitness world where several women still give to the men hands down, it really is in the aspect of weight trainingost Eves find this dokey also "manly" and would rather stick to the much more female-oriented cardiovascular routinesou can't blame themfter all, women still call for to hold on to their "female side" and lifting weights, no matter how small the poundage, is just too much of "man's thing." Add in the misconception that weight training for women makes them bulk up like their boyfriends is enough to scare them away from dumbbells for l ... [Read More - Effects Supplements Muscle Growth]

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